Today’s Solutions: April 24, 2024

We all have the same hours in the day, yet how we prioritize our time and energy will dictate our ability to execute tasks efficiently. Working smarter is the ability to be productive and efficient when working toward your goals, rather than looking and feeling busy and out of time. The following perspectives will give you a few ways to work smarter, not harder, in order to get more out of your day. The first perspective is known as the Pareto Principle, which states that 80 percent of your results will be generated from 20 percent of your focused results. This was discovered when economist Vilfredo Pareto noticed that 20% of his garden peapods produced 80% of his peas. Translated into your own life, you could benefit from spending more time focusing on tasks that yield greater results, and less time on the things that don’t. For example, if you find yourself saying “yes” to every client or every project, consider only saying yes to some and focusing on the ones that bring you the highest ROI. Second perspective: Rest and recharge. Some of the most influential people of our time prioritize sleeping seven hours a night. Try and establish a sleep routine by going to bed and waking up every day at the same time. If that’s not always possible, afternoon naps of up to 20 minutes can be a fantastic way to decrease mental fatigue and reduce stress, setting you up for a productive afternoon. The third perspective is simple: be organized. The most productive people plan their work based on their top priorities and work accordingly around that. Creating a detailed to-do list each night that will guide your plan of action throughout the following day—and don’t forget to reward yourself when you complete and reach your milestones. Fourth perspective: Focus on your own journey. There’s no need to compare yourself with others. Give yourself the time you need to achieve your own goals and have the confidence to know that you’re doing exactly what needs to get done.

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