Today’s Solutions: January 24, 2025

While you may be more than capable of meeting the demands that your job and home life require of you during these challenging times, you must not compromise your sense of well-being to meet those demands.

One way to keep stress from piling up and hindering your ability to feel good is by cultivating moments of peace throughout your day, which is something you can do from the comfort of your desk. Brought to you by the Chopra Center, here are five ways to cultivate peace throughout your day.

Just breathe: Intentional breathing can be a powerful way to restore a sense of calm. Try making it a part of your day by setting a calendar reminder for a breath break every hour. With each breath brake, inhale deeply and fully into your belly, and then exhale completely. Don’t be afraid to exhale with an audible sigh of relief. Repeat this three times and feel the rush of oxygen calming your mind. In addition, make sure to keep your spine straight to increase oxygen inflow.

Let there be light: There are countless positive effects on our physiology when we are exposed to natural light. That’s why you should make sure you open the blinds, and let the natural light flow into your work space. If you don’t work near a window, make sure to step outside during the day and get that natural vitamin D.

Stop and smell the roses: Our sense of smell is super-sensitive and can evoke powerful memories and emotions. If you choose candles or essential oils that remind you of joyous times, you can bring some added joy and peace to your day. For instance, a lavender-scented candle might remind you of your grandmother’s garden. It might be useful to know that our olfactory receptors do become dull if we are constantly exposed to the same smells, so don’t be afraid to switch it up.

It IS easy being green: Science tells us that being in the company of plants and flowers can increase energy levels, induce relaxed feelings, and even improve relationships. Make your desk at home a natural sanctuary by adding some live plants and feel the calmness it brings. If you don’t work near much natural light, you might want to consider adding Lucky Bamboo to your desk, which is low-maintenance and adaptable to low light.

Take your ‘desk’ with you: You don’t always need to work at a desk. If you have a virtual meeting, for instance, don’t be afraid to take the call while you walk in a natural environment. It’s become more socially acceptable to do so, and research tells us being outside can improve memory performance and attention by 20 percent or more.

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