Today’s Solutions: May 11, 2024

Nutrition & Wellness

From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.

Former mine shafts and tunnels

Former mine shafts and tunnels could serve as underground farms

Old coal mines in Britain could be resurrected in the form of subterranean food farms to yield large-scale crop production. Former mine shafts and tunnels have the perfect environmental conditions for farming and could produce up to ten times as much food as farms above ground. A seven square meter Read More...

Your diet may feature cotton s

Your diet may feature cotton seeds in the near future

Cotton could soon become a part of your diet and not only your wardrobe after the US Department of Agriculture gave the green light to commercialize a biotech version of the cotton plants whose seeds can be eaten. One of the benefits of cottonseeds is that they’re loaded with protein, and have Read More...

A simple guide for eating less

A simple guide for eating less meat

Giving up meat can be a real challenge but the benefits of following a meat-free diet are enormous for both your health and the environment. If you can’t wrap your head around the idea of ditching meat completely, simply eating less of it is still a good place to start. Here are five simple ways Read More...

Ending this subsidy will signi

Ending this subsidy will significantly increase health

A 2016 report found that sugary drinks are something rarely missing on the shopping lists of Americans who receive food stamps. According to the report, nearly 10 percent of the value of food stamps gets spent on soda. That’s more than $75 million worth of taxpayer money. This isn’t only a Read More...

Denmark wants to start labelin

Denmark wants to start labeling food based on its environmental impact

Many of the foods we eat on a daily basis have a direct impact on the environment. Danish officials want to make its citizens aware of that by adding the carbon footprint of food products on their labels. The use of pesticides, transportation, and packaging will play a significant role in Read More...

Solving agriculture’s labor

Solving agriculture’s labor shortages with robot farms

The first robot farm was opened in the U.S. last week. The farm can grow 30 times more produce than traditional farms through the use of artificial intelligence (AI), year-round, soilless hydroponic processes, and moving plants as they grow to efficiently use space. Investors see AI as a solution Read More...

‘It’s not about what you e

‘It’s not about what you eat or how much, rather it is about when you eat’

More and more research shows the beneficial effects of intermittent fasting: limiting the hours of the day that you consume food and giving your body more hours for Read More...

Fair Trade – A people ba

Fair Trade - A people based solution to poverty and exploitation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Chocolate once reigned supreme in Central America: The Mayans considered it the food of the gods, and they used cocoa beans as a form of currency. But the birthplace of chocolate has benefitted little from the chocolate boom — despite that this is where most of Read More...

This robot can pick up lettuce

This robot can pick up lettuce with as much care as a human hand

A team of researchers has developed a robot that can maneuver so deftly that it’s able to pick up a lettuce head, find its outer layer of leaves, and delicately remove them. The machine is able to perform this task using three tools: a camera to size-up an individual lettuce head and find its Read More...

This new indoor farm is 30 tim

This new indoor farm is 30 times more productive than a traditional farm

A new indoor farm located in a shipyard in New Jersey is growing food without the need for soil while using 95 percent less water. Through the use of an automatic hydroponic system that delivers nutrients directly to the crops, the indoor farm is growing food at a rate that is 30 times more Read More...