Today’s Solutions: May 19, 2024

Nutrition & Wellness

From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.

The meat industry has a bigger

The meat industry has a bigger impact on society than we might realize

The conversation surrounding the production and consumption of meat usually involves the emissions that come as a result of raising livestock. What we rarely think about is how the meat industry employs workers and supports the livelihoods and food security of almost a 1.3 billion people. We also Read More...

This former steel mill will so

This former steel mill will soon be a tech-filled greenhouse

The next Gotham Greens location will convert old industry in Baltimore into a hydroponic farm, to provide local produce (and Read More...

This app delivers leftover foo

This app delivers leftover food to the hungry, instead of to the trash

Jasmine Crowe had been hosting formal pop-up dinners for the homeless in Atlanta for about two and a half years when a video about her efforts went viral in January 2016. The most common question among viewers surprised her. “Which restaurants donated the food?” she says they asked. “And the Read More...

Why mushrooms need to become a

Why mushrooms need to become a part of your diet

In the past, food scientists often praised mushrooms as healthy because what they don't contribute to the diet; they contain no cholesterol and gluten and are low in fat, sugars, sodium and calories. But that was selling mushrooms short. They are very healthy foods and could have medicinal Read More...

Meet the creator of the meat-f

Meet the creator of the meat-free burgers of Impossible Foods

On an otherwise unadorned table at an event space overlooking Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, glass bowls displayed the constituent parts of the Impossible Burger. One contained a B-vitamin-laced potato protein paste, another wheat protein, a third a globule of coconut oil. In a fourth, shimmering Read More...

These are the foods you should

These are the foods you should be eating to improve your mental health

The Mirror recently ran a story about an 82-year-old dementia sufferer who got her memory back after changing her diet. It may sound a bit tabloid-esque, but there is serious evidence that diet can have a major impact on mental health and memory. In the story, the woman’s memory returns after Read More...

Oat milk is poised to take ove

Oat milk is poised to take over the U.S.

Almond, soy, rice, hemp, macadamia, hazelnut, pea, flax, coconut, cashew, peanut, walnut—there’s been a recent explosion in the varieties of plant-based milks. It’s a crowded market, and the non-dairy cream of the crop right now is oat milk. It’s vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and Read More...

For optimal health, try to eat

For optimal health, try to eat these foods on a daily basis

Many people focus on diet improvements because they feel the need to lose weight. While it’s true that obesity is a rising problem, it’s not the only reason why you should watch what you eat. Your diet has a crucial role in your overall health. With the right foods, you enable your body to Read More...

The city of Paris is going all

The city of Paris is going all-in on urban farming

Isn’t it refreshing when politicians actually honor the promises they make? Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo promised to tackle environmental issues and improve the city’s green spaces when she ran for office in 2014, and she’s made good on that promise. Hidalgo has not only helped reduce the Read More...

Oat milk has the potential to

Oat milk has the potential to be the biggest thing since…soy milk

The milk industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and we’re not just talking about the milk that comes from cows. Nowadays, there is an endless list of alternatives, from cashew and soy milk to the utterly disgusting hemp milk. But there’s one type of milk that you’ve never heard of Read More...