Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025

5 Ways to cultivate peace thro

5 Ways to cultivate peace throughout your work day

While you may be more than capable of meeting the demands that your job and home life require of you during these challenging times, you must not compromise your sense of well-being to meet those demands. One way to keep stress from piling up and hindering your ability to feel good is by Read More...

The Optimist View: Houseplants Rule!

The Optimist View: The Ultimate Houseplant Edition

Well, one thing we know for sure at The Optimist Daily is that folks love their houseplants. A remarkable and entertaining note from our team is that this past four months almost ALL of our houseplant articles have gone viral. So, we are going to go with the flow and dig a little deeper into the Read More...

The Optimist View: Cultivating

The Optimist View: Cultivating Consciousness with Deepak Chopra

“There is no solution with a war on anything, including a war on ignorance, which is what is happening right now. It's a display of insanity and ignorance. You can't fight that. You see, what you have to do is come up with creative solutions and creative solutions are already existing in the Read More...

Thought Leader Series: Awakeni

Thought Leader Series: Awakening creativity with Deepak Chopra

As children, our creativity is regularly encouraged. Through art, games, and play we are constantly expanding our imaginative side, but as we get older, we tend to let our creativity slide. Fortunately, our brains’ plasticity allows us to continue to learn and grow even into old age so it is Read More...

How to set powerful intentions

How to set powerful intentions

Intentions are the foundations for everything we do. From what you gift a friend for their birthday to your career path, all our life outcomes begin with an intention. Some we stick with and some we change, but how can you set meaningful, productive intentions? Today we share five steps to setting Read More...

10 Habits of successful people

10 Habits of successful people

What’s the key to your success? Maybe you’re a great communicator or start every day with a mindful yoga practice. We all have different strategies we use to thrive, but there are lifestyle habits that most successful people have in common. We turned to our friends at Chopra to find out ten Read More...

8 ways you can strengthen your

8 ways you can strengthen your immune system by staying calm

Much of the news about precautionary measures against the virus focus on washing your hands, using sanitizers, and physical distancing, but it often overlooks another important part of staying healthy - boosting your own immune system. One way to strengthen the immune system is by managing any Read More...

Thought Leader Series: The Div

Thought Leader Series: The Divine Feminine

The sheer number of female candidates who participated in the presidential race this election cycle demonstrates the desperate need for not only women in our political systems, but femininity in general. In this week’s Thought Leader Series, Deepak Chopra shares why what he calls the “divine Read More...

Thought Leader Series: Rethink

Thought Leader Series: Rethinking the virus and the future

Millions of species on Earth, from tiny microorganisms to the blue whale, all work together to maintain a stable biodiverse ecosystem everywhere on the planet. However, somewhere along the line, humans developed a humans-as-supreme, not life-as-supreme, attitude about our role in nature.  In Read More...

Deepak Chopra: Why we need a w

Deepak Chopra: Why we need a well-being state, not a welfare state

This week, Deepak Chopra published a sharp, insightful column about coronavirus in SF Gate. We’re not going to publish the whole piece right here, but we want to share a snippet here because it provides a fantastic perspective on how we can take the lessons from COVID 19 to build a state that Read More...