From boosting infant brain activity to generally improving people’s quality of life, there are many cases documenting the benefits of implementing guaranteed basic income programs. Inspired by the growing body of evidence about these benefits, a new pilot project in New Mexico will soon study its Read More...
Although Spiderman and Black Panther are the heroes of our fantasy worlds, the heroes of our real world, especially in 2020, are doctors, nurses, and other frontline workers. Marvel is capping off the year with a recognition of these real-life heroes in the form of a comic book about real-life Read More...
First responders, like doctors, nurses, and firefighters, work tirelessly to take care of those in need. For months and months, their workload has been exacerbated by the pandemic, so let's all take the time to appreciate their fortitude both physically and mentally. Thankful Thursdays prompt Read More...
While typically on display in museums and art galleries around the world, the artwork of Los Angeles-based artist Michael Gittes has recently made its way into the apartments and office cubicles of 1,800 employees of a hospital in Brooklyn. Looking to show his appreciation for the heroic efforts Read More...
Not long ago we wrote about how a group of artists in Rotterdam have put up a breathtaking light show using drones, as a means to thank healthcare workers for their heroic efforts in the fight against the pandemic. A similarly spectacular showcase happened recently in the South Korean capital of Read More...
With movement restrictions and social distancing as a result of lockdown measures, these last couple of months have left many feeling more isolated and lonelier than ever before. But these times have also made us more compassionate towards others and more likely to show appreciation for the efforts Read More...
Virtual graduation ceremonies will be the norm this year, but front-line physician assistant Nathaniel Moore, doesn’t want graduates to let their hard-earned regalia to go to waste — he’s urging recent graduates to wear the cap and donate the gown. Moore founded a charity called Gowns 4 Read More...
As a sign of appreciation for their hard work and commitment, thousands of employees at a hospital in the epicenter of America’s fight against the coronavirus will receive free vacations--though it's really hard to call those vacations "free" considering all that these health workers have been Read More...
Every year on May 5th, the Netherlands celebrates the country’s liberation from the Nazis. The national holiday is usually filled with parades and country-wide celebrations, which this year — the holiday’s 75th anniversary — have all been canceled due to the pandemic. But while the Read More...
He may be best known for his comic and subversive street art, but Banksy has been working within the constraints of lockdown to produce a more intimate piece paying tribute to National Health Service (NHS) workers in the UK. The elusive artist has created a piece called Game Changer that has gone Read More...