For centuries, scientists have written extensively about ginger and its healing properties. This odd-looking root has been found to do everything from promoting healthy aging and weight loss to boosting immunity and fighting cancer. And the best part is that it’s cheap, easy to find, and simple Read More...
In one of our previous articles, we wrote about how okra may be people's new hope in battling microplastic contaminated drinking water. Looking into the fruit (yes, it is a fruit) made us realize that there is so much more to share about the benefits of this versatile seed pod. While relatively Read More...
Most young people hardly think about their joints. They wonder why adults may groan as they pull themselves up from the couch, wince while climbing steep stairs, or say something along the lines of “oh, my knees!” at random—until, that is, the day inevitably comes when they experience joint Read More...
People with asthma will often suffer, at varying degrees, from symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheeziness, and bouts of coughing that stem from overactivation of the immune system when exposed to allergens like dust, smoke, and pollution. Many of us may actually remember having asthma as a Read More...
Every year the cold winter weather doesn’t only put frost on the grass, it also brings an increased chance of getting sick. And that’s even before our new friend coronavirus came along! In recent years, people have been putting in the effort to ensure their immune system is as healthy as Read More...
Inflammation is nothing to fear. It’s a natural and needed process in the body, helping to direct blood flow, immune cells, and nutrients to areas in need of healing. But when inflammation gets out of hand or occurs in the wrong place, it can result in tissue damage, hormonal imbalances, and even Read More...
We all know the everyday signs of aging, but researchers are still trying to figure out exactly what is happening on a molecular level. Scientists hope that when the process is understood, it can be slowed down to improve the quality of life for older humans. A new paper, published in Nature Read More...
It really feels like climate change is getting more imminent by the day. With every other headline about how temperature levels are rising, animals are going extinct, and companies aren’t reaching their promised quotas, fear, stress, and anxiety over climate change can be extremely overwhelming Read More...
You probably know that exercise boosts brain function, but did you know that exercise can literally change the structure of our brains? Although these structural changes may not be visible to us, they can help us protect and preserve brain health and function throughout our Read More...
While inflammation is an effective way for your body to fight infections, inflammation can get out of hand and lead to a myriad of problems. In fact, chronic inflammation has been linked to many diseases, including cancer and diabetes. The good news is that there are a variety of herbs and spices Read More...