Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

Why this startup makes shoes f

Why this startup makes shoes from plants rather than recycled plastic

While more running shoes made from recycled plastic bottles are hitting the market, a Dutch startup believes there’s a much greener way to produce shoes: starting with plants.  According to Richard Rusling, cofounder of Zen Running Club, the problem with using recycled plastic in shoes is that Read More...

This smart bin turns your food

This smart bin turns your food scraps into compost in less than two days

Indoor bins for composting are definitely a good way to put your food scraps to good use, but that organic waste can take several weeks before it becomes compost. And while certain foods like meat and dairy are compostable, they can often create foul odors and attract pests. With that in mind, a Read More...

Eau de Space: NASA-designed pe

Eau de Space: NASA-designed perfume smells like outer space

You’ll never get a whiff of it directly — but astronauts have long said that space leaves a distinctive residual smell on their suits. Though it varies with the teller, some say it evokes gunpowder, burned meat, and even raspberries. “At first I couldn’t quite place it,” former ISS Read More...

Kickstarter becomes first majo

Kickstarter becomes first major tech company to unionize

Full-time employees at Kickstarter, the popular crowdfunding website, have voted to unionize after nearly a year of staff organizing. That makes Kickstarter the first major tech company to unionize, paving the way for other companies in the industry to do the same.  The organizing group has Read More...

Grow fruits and veggies year r

Grow fruits and veggies year round with this indoor Ferris wheel garden

We’re moving beyond the days where the only crops you can grow inside your home are various herbs and spices. In February, a new prototype of a rotating garden appeared on Kickstarter that allows you to grow fruits and vegetables all year round. It’s an idea that seems to appeal to a lot of Read More...

NEGATIVE: Direct Air Carbon ca

NEGATIVE: Direct Air Carbon capture bracelet - a climate solution in your hand

We recently featured a cool Kickstarter campaign that was raising funds to streamline production on “SEADPODS” - recycled plastic planters that can be hung on chainlink fences to greenify urban spaces. We love these kinds of innovative ideas, blending commerce and social or environmental Read More...

Kickstarter campaign repurpose

Kickstarter campaign repurposes plastic to spruce up chain link fences

Sead Pods is a new startup with a green vision for the chain-link fences of the world. What Sead (which stands for sustainable ecology adaptive design) has created is a hangable container made out of recycled plastic that is large enough to house one plant. When hung on fences, these pods give old Read More...