Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Smiling businesswoman taking interview of a job applicant.

3 questions to ask at the end of a job interview (and 3 to avoid)

Suppose you, like many others these days, are re-evaluating your priorities and looking to make changes in your professional life. This may mean that you are applying for new jobs and if all goes well, will soon be facing an interview for an exciting new job.  At the end of the interview, many Read More...

Cleaning dirty blinds with tongs and a cloth

These 10 hacks will make you a pro at cleaning your own home

In case you haven't gotten to it yet, chances are spring cleaning is still on your mind. Now if that’s still on your to-do list, here are 10 clever hacks that will make cleaning the house a better, smarter experience. Clean the shower while you’re in it When you’re almost done showering, Read More...

young beautiful Black woman sits on bed with a cup of tea

This 3-day routine will give your gut a proper cleansing

In both ancient Ayurveda and modern medicine, the importance of gut health as a staple of our physical and mental health has never been clearer. If you want to give your gut a reboot so that it can work optimally for you, here is a routine you can follow that will give your gut a good cleanse. Read More...

Young Black woman with glasses intently writing in her notebook at her work desk

5 Steps towards living a more intentional life

How do we live with intention without falling into the cycle of becoming frazzled from being too busy? To get out of this cycle and harness our potential, licensed therapist Shannon Thomas offers us a five-step approach that will help you live a more intentional life. First step: Identify areas Read More...

Young woman leaning her head backwards with eyes closed

These 3 techniques will help you regulate your emotions better

Managing your emotions isn’t the same as suppressing them. In fact, suppressing your emotions and the pain you might feel will only make emotional wounds worse over time. To gain control over your emotions, it’s important to acknowledge the presence of those emotions while recognizing that your Read More...

Three strategies to work from

Three strategies to work from home without burning out

This year, for obvious reasons, we have seen a significant shift from working in the office to working from home. For many of us fortunate enough to have maintained employment throughout the pandemic, this means that the lines that separate work from leisure time have become increasingly Read More...

Four benefits of Virtual Reali

Four benefits of Virtual Reality that go beyond entertainment

Although virtual reality has only been available to the everyday consumer for a few years now, the technology has progressed by leaps and bounds in terms of actually reaching a believable level of reality--one that we might expect to see in video games and movies. Even though VR is being Read More...

Five ways our brains benefit f

Five ways our brains benefit from a simple walk

Walking is an often-underrated form of exercise, but with the pandemic seriously limiting the activities made available to us, we have gained a renewed appreciation for simply going on a walk. These days, few things require such minimal effort yet reap so many benefits. Walking improves sleep Read More...

Trouble waking up in the morni

Trouble waking up in the morning? Here are 10 tips to make it easier

It’s easy to set the ambitious goal of waking up earlier, but the actual act of waking up is a whole different story. If you find it difficult to rise and shine in the morning, here are some tips to make it easier. Move the alarm goal: When your alarm clock is within arm’s reach of your bed, Read More...

Job interviews: How to brag wi

Job interviews: How to brag without sounding conceited

You have a job interview. You feel confident about your skills and accomplishments, and want to express that to a potential future employer. At the same time, you want to avoid sounding conceited when you talk about your own qualities. That begs the question: how do you brag about yourself in a Read More...