Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Person playing video game on console.

Video games are becoming more accessible for players with disabilities

According to the World Health Organization, there are over a billion humans living with a disability, around 15 percent of the global population. With such a high number of people in this group, it is encouraging to see the number of fields that are improving their services to accommodate the Read More...

Shareholder pressure leads to

Shareholder pressure leads to right-to-repair evaluation at major tech company

The EU and the UK have both recently expanded right to repair laws aimed at reducing e-waste and saving customers money. As this movement gains popularity, Microsoft shareholders have successfully pressured the company into expanding the repairability of its goods. Although the US has limited Read More...

Mosquito monitors prove that t

Mosquito monitors prove that these pests can be useful after all

Many of us have probably wondered to ourselves while swatting away pesky mosquitos if these itch-inducing creatures exist solely to ruin our fun and buzz in our ears. As it turns out, Ethan Jackson, a researcher at Microsoft, has found that mosquitos can actually serve a great Read More...

Microsoft will allow its emplo

Microsoft will allow its employees to work from home permanently

As many office buildings have closed their doors because of the coronavirus pandemic, an increasing number of companies have come to the realization that their employees can work just as effectively from their homes. As a result, many firms are now considering giving their workers the choice to Read More...

Data centers drain water suppl

Data centers drain water supplies. Microsoft is investing big to fix this

Data centers are infamously energy-intensive, but what people aren’t always aware of is that they also require huge amounts of water to keep servers cool. And to make matters worse, data centers are often situated in desert-like places where water is already scarce. Part of the reason companies Read More...

Another company is out to capt

Another company is out to capture all the CO2 it has ever emitted

When it comes to offsetting carbon emissions, Microsoft has set a new precedent for companies around the world. Instead of trying to offset more emissions than it produces on a yearly basis, the company has committed to erasing its historical carbon footprint. In other words, Microsoft will capture Read More...

These US firms are part of a g

These US firms are part of a global reforestation effort to plant 1tn trees

Over the last couple of years, scientists have increasingly underlined the key role that reforestation can play in tackling climate change and, more recently, a growing number of reputable companies have pledged to plant trees as part of their sustainability efforts. Salesforce, for instance, Read More...

Microsoft launches two initiat

Microsoft launches two initiatives to help corporates slash emissions

This week, software giant Microsoft joined eight other global corporations to launch Transform to Net Zero, a coalition that was created to help businesses erase their carbon footprint. The coalition, which includes companies such as Nike, Unilever, and shipping company Maersk, aims to set an Read More...

Microsoft starts initiative to

Microsoft starts initiative to help job seekers boost their digital skills

Microsoft believes that one of the best ways to help the economy rebound and reduce the staggering rate of unemployment is to help workers learn new digital skills. Today, it announced an initiative designed to train 25 million people worldwide by the end of the year. The initiative will blend Read More...

Microsoft will grant parents 1

Microsoft will grant parents 12 weeks paid parental leave during COVID-19

Washington announced this week that schools across the state will stay closed for the remainder of the academic year, leaving parents with the daunting prospect of keeping kids entertained at home for at least two more months. After watching employees juggle work and childcare during the COVID-19 Read More...