Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

John Deere Tractor making tracks

Introducing the world’s first ammonia-fueled tractor

Alternative fuel sources are a hot topic these days, with the widespread boycott of Russian oil and gas combined with the dire state of the environment. In terms of reducing the negative impact conventionally powered vehicles have on the planet, there’s been a lot of investment in electric Read More...

Auckland, New Zealand skyline

New Zealand announces plan to help families buy greener cars

While most of us know the long-term environmental and economic benefits of switching from a gasoline-powered car to a cleaner hybrid or electric vehicle, the upfront costs of making such a change can make it difficult for many to actually make the swap. That’s why New Zealand’s Prime Read More...

Infinity Train Green future

This “Infinity Train” only needs gravity to recharge

Australian mining company Fortescue and Fortescue Future Industries are collaborating with UK-based Williams Advanced Engineering to create the Infinity Train—the world’s first battery-electric self-charging train. How does it work? A zero-carbon electric train that never needs to stop to Read More...

Three ways businesses can meet

Three ways businesses can meet their emissions reduction pledges

One in five of the world’s largest companies have pledged to reduce their net emissions to zero by the year 2050. In other words, they plan to reduce their emissions to close to zero, and offset the effects of the remainder. But practically, what does such a commitment look like? Read More...

Major supermarket chain makes

Major supermarket chain makes first zero-emissions food delivery in the US

Supermarkets across the US typically use gas-guzzling semi-trucks to stock their grocery supplies. Last week, however, when a heavy truck pulled into an Albertson’s supermarket in Irving, California, there was no diesel exhaust coming out of its tailpipe. The zero-emissions food delivery was Read More...

Electric company Polestar want

Electric company Polestar wants to make a car that’s truly zero-emission

When you see something labeled as “carbon neutral,” chances are that its manufacturer purchased carbon offsets to counterbalance the product’s environmental impact. Offsets typically involve supporting different environmental projects across the world, such as reforestation and conservation Read More...

The UK plans to test a new fle

The UK plans to test a new fleet of zero-emission buses on its roads

Cities across the world are making efforts to cut air pollution and reduce the number of combustion engine vehicles on their streets. Low- and zero-emission vehicles are starting to play an increasingly bigger role in achieving these goals. With that said, the UK has announced that its public Read More...

London has seen significant dr

London has seen significant drops in air pollution over the past four years

When Sadiq Kahn was elected mayor of London in 2016, more than 2 million people in the capital were living in areas with illegal levels of air pollution. Three years later, that number fell to 119,000, all thanks to a number of ambitious policies enacted by the mayor, aiming to improve air quality Read More...

California introduces historic

California introduces historic law requiring all trucks to go green by 2045

Despite only making up 7 percent of vehicles on the road in California, diesel trucks account for 70 percent of the state’s smog-causing pollution and 80 percent of diesel soot emitted. In a move that’s expected to shake the auto industry, the Golden State recently enacted one of the Read More...

This electric zero-emissions p

This electric zero-emissions plane powered by hydrogen will fly in 2025

While the clean electric car revolution is rapidly gathering speed, we still face a big technology test to clean up the aircraft industry. Clean planes pose a major challenge especially when they get to the jumbo sizes we have been getting used to traveling the world. But it is happening: this Read More...