Today’s Solutions: September 07, 2024

Humans have developed a habit of being overly sedentary, and we’re afraid coronavirus lockdowns aren’t exactly helping. NYC-based Physiotherapist Charlotte Sayers told Greatist that most of her clients are complaining of new low back pains since they’ve started working from home. “Our backs don’t like to be held in the same postures for long periods of time, especially sitting,” said Sayers. Feeling the need to improve your posture at the desk? Here are six tips that are sure to help.

Maintain a gentle sway in your lower back: Sit with your butt all the way up against the back of the seat and place a small, firm cushion in the hollow area of your lower spine where your back naturally sways.

Bend your elbows 90 degrees: Your desk should be at whatever height allows your elbows to bend at 90 degrees while typing. If your chair has adjustable arms, make sure they’re at this height as well.

Position your chin parallel to the ground: Neck pain and (cervicogenic) headaches can occur if you’re spending long hours staring at a screen that’s either too is too high or too low. To avoid this, position your screen directly in front of your natural eye level.

Draw your chin back and tuck slightly: Most of us jut our chin out slightly when we’re looking at a screen, which causes pain in the cervical spine. Draw your chin back so it’s right behind your collarbones. Then, tuck your chin slightly as if you’re holding a tennis ball with your chin.

Open your shoulders: Most people slouch to some degree but the truth is, it’s super hard on your spine and back. To avoid slouching, gently roll your shoulders down and back, feeling muscles in your upper back engage.

Bend your knees 90 degrees, feet flat on the ground: Good posture starts in your feet — think of them as the foundation of your posture. It’s pretty much impossible to maintain a straight spine if your feet aren’t pressed flatly against the floor, especially for hours at a time.

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