Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

The gut plays a central role in our bodily functions. It goes far beyond digestion to impact our immunity, mood, and long-term health. We’ve shared articles on best gut foods and gut health tips before, but if you’re new to the world of microbiomes, here are five essential tips to get you started on the road to gut health.

Eat a wide range of foods

A more diverse food range leads to a more diverse microbiome. This means whole grains, many types of fruits and vegetables, and lean protein. 

Introduce a targeted probiotic supplement

When it comes to choosing a probiotic, more colony-forming units are not necessarily better. Opt for quality over quantity and choose a multistrain probiotic with strains that meet your specific needs. When it comes to choosing, you should do independent research and consult a gastroenterologist or your doctor.

Manage your stress

Stress impacts our whole body, which is why we sometimes experience an upset stomach when something is causing us angst. Keeping your stress levels in check will keep daily pressures from wreaking havoc on your gastrointestinal system.

Get good sleep

Adequate sleep is a recommendation for treating nearly every physical and mental ailment. A full night’s rest keeps your microbiome balanced and undisrupted. A steady sleep schedule also equates with a steadier eating schedule and will help connect the gut with the body’s circadian rhythms. Try to go to sleep and wake up at relatively the same time and aim for 6-8 hours of deep sleep. 

Get out in nature!

Recent research showed that children who spent time in natural environments had much healthier microbiomes. This connection between nature and gut health affects adults too. Embrace the world’s natural microbes by getting outside to hike, garden, or just sit in nature for the afternoon. 

The microbiome is a delicate balancing act that depends on your lifestyle, dietary choices, and environment. Give your microbiome a boost by getting back to these gut health fundamentals. 

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