A new study from researchers at the University of Southern Denmark has determined what we already knew— cycling is much better for the environment than driving conventional internal combustion vehicles. The study took a look at the bike-loving Dutch, and quantified just how much global carbon Read More...
Most of us learned to ride a bicycle at a young age, and as the saying goes, it's something you never really forget how. If you are looking for a reason to hop back on the saddle, then here are some perks of the sport to get you motivated. It’s low impact One of the best benefits of cycling Read More...
The recent surge in e-bike adoption is good news for the environment. In fact, it is estimated that Americans will buy over 12 million electric bikes this decade. However, there is still a sustainability concern when it comes to this green method of transportation: What do we do with all those Read More...
If you’re curious about the benefits of an electric bike but lack the needed space or budget to invest in a new cruiser, then Swytch’s e-bike conversion kit might be just what you’re looking for. In addition to being more affordable than buying a new e-bike, the easy-to-install kit also gives Read More...
As the gravity of the climate crisis becomes more apparent, governments are setting goals to reduce the carbon emissions of their countries and states through a variety of means. The UK, for instance, aims to have at least half of all journeys in towns and cities be cycled or walked by the year Read More...
Like other transportation infrastructure in the country, American bridges have been designed with a car-centric mentality, meaning that many of these structures lack designated paths for cyclists or pedestrians. This is the case for a long bridge in Rhode Island that connects the towns of Jamestown Read More...
The way urban planners currently assess the safety of a road involves counting the number of accidents on that particular road. Essentially, this means that there’s a "literal human cost" to measuring how safe a street is, says Megan Ryerson, a transportation engineer and urban planner at the Read More...
Being a cyclist on the road means trusting drivers to pay attention and give you enough space for your safety and their own. One of the leading causes of car accidents that involve cyclists is when the driver of the motorized vehicle passes too closely to cyclists. Too often vehicles are left Read More...
While e-bikes hold great potential to replace cars as a healthy way of commuting, they still come at a hefty price. In a bid to make this type of future transport more accessible, electric moped sharing company Revel has recently launched a monthly e-bike subscription service for New Read More...
Since the start of the pandemic last year, an increasing number of cities worldwide have seen an uptick in the number of people embracing cycling as a means of transportation. In New York, for example, cycling has increased by 52 percent over the city’s bridges. To recognize the important role Read More...