Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

Woman using post-its to divide tasks

Less is more: How to boost productivity by figuring out what not to do

While it may sound completely counterintuitive, evidence supports the idea that if we want to ramp up our productivity and happiness, we should be doing less. As it turns out, when you stop doing the things that make you feel busy but aren’t getting results (and are draining you of energy), then Read More...

Have a task that bores you? He

Have a task that bores you? Here are 3 ways to focus and get it done

As much as we want to dedicate our lives solely to the things we’re passionate about, sometimes we have to focus on tasks that are boring to us. And that in itself is no easy task. If you find yourself having trouble focusing on something you’re not excited about, here are three tips that can Read More...

4 simple ways to improve your

4 simple ways to improve your gut health

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that not only help us digest our food but actually play a massive role in a number of things that have seemingly nothing to do with digestion, from impacting mood to boosting immunity. In fact, researchers have found that 70 percent of the immune system Read More...

Open honey jar almost empty on blue tablecloth

7 ways to make the most out of your almost empty condiment jars

We are all familiar with the dilemma of what to do with an almost empty condiment jar. What’s left at the bottom and along the sides of the jar isn’t enough to do anything substantial with, but the contents are just enough so that disposing of it would induce feelings of guilt. Here are seven Read More...

Sitting too much? Here are 3 w

Sitting too much? Here are 3 ways to move more while working from home

The office job has long caused many people to live a sedentary life, but in the remote working era, more people are spending more of their waking hours sitting than ever before. Without the daily commute to work or the walk around town to find a good place to eat lunch, it’s easy for people to go Read More...

5 Evidence-backed ways to feel

5 Evidence-backed ways to feel happier in hard times

As coronavirus pandemic trudges onward to a backdrop of political antics, you may be finding yourself looking at the post-pandemic future as a time where happiness can be experienced again. But there’s a problem with deferring happiness to the future—after all, all we got is the present. Read More...

The common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) wetlands birds's colored feathers from different birds that live in ponds, swamps.

Tweet tweet! Study finds birds are linked to happiness levels

If you find yourself happier around singing birds, you’re not alone. A new study from the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research indicates being around greater bird biodiversity is actually linked to greater happiness levels amongst people. To come to this conclusion, the Read More...

Foggy windshields? Here’s ho

Foggy windshields? Here’s how to defog them in no time

For all the cozy things we associate with wintertime, there are some particularly frustrating aspects as well. Foggy car windshields in the morning are one of them! The fog that forms on a windshield is actually condensation. It’s created when water vapor in the air near the glass falls below Read More...

How to let your intuition guid

How to let your intuition guide your exercise habits

If you want to make consistent exercise a part of your life, then you should consider the practice of intuitive exercise. The idea behind the intuitive exercise is that the tendency for people to work out simply because they want their bodies to look good or ideal is actually damaging to both Read More...

Working from home: Why you sho

Working from home: Why you should add a fake commute to your day

For all the annoyances you might associate with commuting to and from work, there are some upsides to the daily commute. Not only can the commute allow for some precious alone-time, but it also provides a clear distinction between your workday and your personal time at home, contributing to a Read More...