Today’s Solutions: February 14, 2025


Orchids are notoriously tricky houseplants to take care of, but once you get the hang of it, keeping beautiful blooms alive will be second nature. Whether you got it as a gift or bought one yourself, here’s how to keep that orchid thriving.

How often to water your plant

The first factor is watering. Orchids are used to humid climates, so most need to be watered once or twice a week. You can also let your orchid tell you when it’s thirsty by checking its roots. If the roots are grey, your orchid needs watering, but if they are bright green, it is plenty hydrated. Most orchids conveniently come in a clear plastic pot, so you can easily lift them up and take a look at the roots. 

Picking a spot for your orchid

When it comes to where your orchid should live, opt for the shadiest place in your home to please your tropical plant. You can also move your orchid into your bathroom for a day or two to give it a humidity boost.

Fertilizing tips and timeline

Lastly, you must think about when to feed your orchid. Any plant can benefit from fertilizer, but too much can be damaging. In the summer, feed your plant with orchid food once every week or two, but scale it back to once a month in the wintertime. 

Their fussy reputation may make orchids intimidating, but if you follow these simple steps, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful blooms in no time!

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