Today’s Solutions: April 23, 2024

If you love Japanese food and want to spice up your breakfast diet, then we have the perfect thing for you: Natto. A staple in Japanese cuisine, natto is a notoriously pungent delicacy comprised of heavily fermented soybeans. It’s the ideal dish for vegetarians and vegans who need some extra protein intake, and good for anyone who wants to improve their digestion.

Before we talk about where you can get natto and how to eat it, take a look at the nutritional makeup of this Japanese delicacy. According to Healthline, natto is associated with a number of health benefits.

Being a fermented food, natto is rich in probiotics which help the digestive system and act as a defense mechanism against dangerous bacteria. They can also help combat gas, constipation, and bloating.

The high amounts of calcium also contribute to strong bones, while the vitamin K2 helps your bones absorb the calcium. On top of that, Natto contains vitamin K1, which is said to help with blood clotting and improves cardiovascular health.

So, where can you find natto in the US? The first place you should look is your local Japanese grocery store, which probably carries the fermented food. If you don’t have one nearby, a specialized health food store might have it. Otherwise, Fresh Direct carriers one brand of natto called NYrture New York Natto, which only costs $12.99 per eight-ounce jar.

While natto may not be the most attractive food at first (some say it smells like socks, others say it’a reminiscent of bacon), it’s worth giving a shot considering all the health benefits that come with it!

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