Today’s Solutions: February 15, 2025


South Africa enacted its first Climate Change Act, a comprehensive law that aims to tackle climate change by limiting greenhouse gas emissions and mandating municipal adaptation plans. The act seeks to connect South Africa’s climate efforts with its commitments under the Paris Agreement.

National responses to climate change

President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Climate Change Bill into law, marking a watershed moment in the country’s environmental policies. The new legislation creates a framework for a national response to climate change, which includes both mitigation and adaptation activities. According to a press release from the South African government, these initiatives are South Africa’s “fair contribution to the global climate change response.”

Brandon Abdinor, a lawyer with the South African nonprofit Centre for Environmental Rights, highlighted the importance of this development, stating, “This is very significant in that it’s the first time that our climate change response is directly brought into domestic law. A lot of work needs to be done, but this act puts the basic architecture in place for that to happen.”

Mandatory adaptation plans

The Climate Change Act mandates all provinces and municipalities to examine the risks posed by climate change and prepare appropriate response strategies. These actions are critical because climate change affects many sectors, including water resources, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, human health, energy, industry, and biodiversity. The press release stressed that these repercussions “will disproportionately affect poor communities and vulnerable groups” and may impede South Africa’s development goals, such as job creation and poverty reduction.

Sector-specific emission targets

Every high-emitting government sector, such as transportation, agriculture, and industry, will have its own emissions target set. Each sector’s relevant minister will be in charge of implementing actions to meet these aims. Additionally, the Climate Change Act requires the environment minister to establish a carbon budget for large corporations, capping their emissions over particular periods.

While carbon budget allocations have yet to be determined, Abdinor pointed out that it is not yet unlawful to violate these limitations, which is a source of disagreement among climate supporters. However, enterprises that exceed their budgets would most certainly face greater carbon taxes as a result.

Increasing climate resilience

The act intends to improve South Africa’s ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen climate resilience. It aims to reduce the danger of job loss while increasing opportunities in the burgeoning green economy. The legislation also harmonizes climate change response measures to ensure a smooth transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy and society.

Harald Winkler, a climate policy expert at the University of Cape Town, urged active participation in the new law, saying, “The Climate Change Act is a tool for all South Africans. We call on citizens, businesses, and civil society to engage actively in using this law to push for urgent climate action. The Climate Change Act enshrines principles of equity and just transition. Let’s use this to prioritize the needs of vulnerable communities in our climate response.”

South Africa’s Climate Change Act is an important step forward in the country’s attempts to tackle climate change. The law establishes explicit emissions objectives and requires local adaptation plans, creating a strong framework for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and developing resilience to climate impacts. This landmark legislation encourages all South Africans to actively shape a more sustainable and equitable future.

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