Stress can harm your appetite, making it difficult to find the motivation to eat—even when your stomach is empty and rumbling. Stress, whether caused by work pressure, relationship issues, or looming deadlines, can suppress your appetite or cause symptoms such as nausea, making dinner a Read More...
You probably already know that broccoli is a healthy vegetable that helps reduce inflammation, but what about broccoli sprouts? These sprouted broccoli seeds are a wonderful superfood for your brain. What makes them so healthy, and how you may incorporate them into your diet, is as follows: Why Read More...
For those of us who crave the tangy delights of probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha, the mere thought can set our taste buds tingling. These fermented wonders not only tempt our taste buds, but they also provide a plethora of gut-boosting and health-protective advantages. But Read More...
The ancient concept of "food as medicine" receives new legitimacy in a revolutionary study, reinforcing the age-old belief that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can perform wonders for heart health. In the midst of a diet-related disease epidemic that rivals smoking as the main cause of death, Read More...
A study from Rutgers University has found that increasing protein intake while on a diet may lead to better food choices and prevent loss of muscle mass. More protein, healthier food choices As part of the research, the scientists analyzed a pool of data from several weight-loss trials Read More...
Can’t shake the feeling of exhaustion lately? The solution might require you to take more than just a nap—it could be that you are low in certain nutrients. When it comes to fatigue, being low in iron is usually thought to be the cause. However, there’s another nutrient that can help you Read More...
Some people stand by the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, while others skip it altogether. According to findings of a 2019 research review that looked at 13 breakfast studies, eating breakfast in the morning wasn’t a reliable way to lose weight, and skipping Read More...
For those of us with a sweet tooth, honey can seem like a literal lifesaver. We get to drizzle something sweet and syrupy all over our toast, goat cheese, or even in a big stream into our morning tea, and there’s nothing to worry about because it’s a natural, healthy Read More...
Two years ago, The Optimist Daily published a small piece on the advantages of foraging. This means walking past the grocery store to the park or a riparian area to search for, identify, and collect your own food resources. The practice has become more popular in recent years, especially during the Read More...
Most if not all people experience stress to some degree, whether it stems from their jobs, home life, relationships, or other life factors. Many also deal with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Moderate to low levels of stress shouldn’t be alarming and can actually be good Read More...